Whisker Tracker Cat App

Mobile Cat App

Are you a cat lover who enjoys taking walks? Do you take pictures of outdoor cats that you see? Then our new cat app is for you! 

Whisker Tracker is the ultimate mobile app designed for walkers, cat photographers, and cat colony caretakers. With this innovative cat app, you’ll experience a range of features that allow you to catalog your cats using GPS and facial recognition software, complete with comprehensive cat profiles and a map of all your found cats’ locations. 

The Whisker Tracker cat app offers a complete solution, from tracking your walks to capturing adorable pictures of outdoor cats and showing you a complete map of their locations. You can even create personalized cat profiles to keep track of your furry friends and their status, such as if they have an ear tip, are vaccinated, or are in need of urgent assistance. 

One of the standout features of the Whisker Tracker cat app is its mapping feature. Gone are the days of wondering where you spotted that adorable stray cat! The app’s intuitive map displays all your outdoor cats, allowing you to revisit your favorite feline encounters or find new ones that you may have missed.

But our pet tracking app is more than just a virtual cat catalog and mapping tool. Our facial recognition software can match your cat pictures with any cats reported missing, so you can help find missing cats even when you aren’t looking for them! 

So, if you’re a walker or a cat lover, don’t miss out on the Whisker Tracker cat app. Sign up for the early download today, and get ready to help us find them all!

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